Full-Service Whistleblower Solution

Whistleblower Solution

What is a full-service solution?

A whistleblower anonymously and securely accesses our platform and sends an encrypted message, ensuring their safety and confidentiality.

Our screening team receives the message and communicates with the whistleblower and gathers relevant information.

We provide you with a report of the incident so you can take appropriate action and be compliant with regulatory requirements.

Secure & Anonymous

As your chosen supplier of your whistleblower solution, providing high-end solutions that follow security standards remain our highest priority. Trust us to safeguard your data and maintain confidentiality at every step of the process.
Separated encryption keys and encrypted data across different servers and hosts


Two-factor Authentication

2FA is always required to access our solutions to prevent any unauthorized access

Code scanners

Code scanners detect security issues in the source code and alert if any errors found

Cyber attacks

Simulated cyber attacks detects any exploitable vulnerabilities

ISO 27001

Ensures information security management and compliance with the highest security standards


International standard for assuring non-financial information under EU GDPR

Our Speak-Up! Universe

Our Speak-Up! Universe is available to all our customers using our whistleblower solution. In the Speak-Up! Universe you will find relevant documents and guides to successfully roll out the solution.

  • Required legal documents: Templates for your whistleblower policy to add to your record of processing activities under GDPR in Article 30.
  • Crisis management: Useful material covering possible strategies for internally managing severe whistleblower incidents related to eg fraud, harassment etc
  • Guides: User guides to distribute internally in your organisation, describing how to use the system at any user level, including whistleblowers
Speak Up Universe mock-up

Being compliant means more than buying a system​

Our screening team has special competencies to continuously monitor when a report is submitted and communicate anonymously with the whistleblower. Each case is investigated and when needed, a detailed report is drafted and provided to your assigned contact person.
Our screening team is here to ensure that you can take appropriate action internally, remedy issues and turn the transparency to your advantage. With our screening service, you are also sure to keep the response and action deadlines under the whistleblower directive.
Screening service

Our Trusted Experts


We have stong partnerships with local law firms in all of the countries we operate in. Our legal partners have the right expert knowledge to advise companies and organizations on how handle an incident according to local legislation.
Our screening team consult with our legal partners before submitting a report about an incident and our legal partners are available to support you if needed in the continued resolution process.

Human Resources

Our HR partners are experts in empowering organizations with the right skills and knowledge to establish a healthy culture through its consulting and learning services. We collaborate with HR specialists to enable our clients to make incident prevention a natural part of the company culture and, if any whistleblowing case arises, restore trust in the organization after it is resolved.

Team working at meeting table

Want To Become a Reseller of our Whistleblower Solution?

Join our reseller program and play a key role in making a positive impact on organizations worldwide through openness and transparency. Our resellers provide their clients with an gamechanging full-service whistleblowing solution and ensure they are compliant with the EU whistleblower directive.
If you are interested in becoming a reseller of our whistleblowing solution, reach out to us today by using the below contact form!